GIS Grundkurs (KTH 1n1651)
Introduction till GIS (pdf)
Datainsamling (pdf)
Datastrukturer och modeller (pdf)
Databaser (pdf)
Referenssystem och projektioner (pdf)
Introduktion till dataanalys i GIS (pdf)
Geografiska data i 3D (pdf)
Kartografi (pdf)
Summering (tentamen) (pdf)
GIS i samhällsbyggnad (KTH 1n1654)
Introduction till GIS i samhällsbyggnad (pdf)
Datainsamling (pdf)
Basic Analysis Tools (pdf)
Geovisualisering (pdf)
Introduktion till dataanalys i GIS (pdf)
Analys av rasterdata (pdf)
Uncertainty in geographic information (pdf)
Spatial statistics and interpolation (pdf)
Visualisering (KTH ag2412)
Visualisation techniques (pdf)
Visual perception and map interpretation (pdf)
Graphic variables and map design (pdf)
Maps and the World Wide Web (pdf)
Exploratory Data Analysis (pdf)
Thematic mapping (pdf)
Geovisualisation, virtual and augmented reality (pdf)
Maps as decision tools (pdf)
Basics (UU)
Introduction to cartography
Introduction to GIS (ArcView) and Swedish maps
Introduction to topology and databases
Localisation of water wells
Business GIS - tires and trips
Risk analyses - skating on thin ice
Data Capture (UU)
Introduction to digitising
Introduction to scanning
Introduction to screen digitizing
Data mining on internetGeographic and geologic themes (UU)
Introduction to Avenue - Finding suitable areas for seismic stations
Uranium gamma radiation and radon gas risk
Digital Elevation Models and 3D visualisation
Detecting faults and fractures zones with VLF
Okavango (Karttur AB)
Introduction to GIS and Digital Cartography using DIVA GIS
Maps and Images in different scales and resolution
Introduction to Data Capture with GPS
Introduction to GIS and Satellite Data Analysis
East Africa (RELMA/ICRAF)
Introduction to GIS and Digital Cartography using ArcExplorer
Introduction to Data Capture with GPS
GIS Data Mining on Internet
Introduction to GIS and Satellite Data Analysis: Lake Nakuru, Kenya
Introduction to Modeling and Decision Support in GIS: Lake Nakuru, Kenya
Spatial data and applications for environmental studies in Africa (article)
Farmer Field Schools combatting Land Degradation Kenya (ICRAF)
Lesson 0: Install DIVA-GIS
Lesson 1: DIVA-GIS basics
Lesson 2: Symbolizing
Lesson 3: Selecting features, labeling and designing maps
Lesson 4: Grid/raster data
Lesson 5: Vegetation and time series data
Lesson 6: Moderate resolution satellite images and rain use efficiency
Lesson 7: Exporting, importing and projecting data layers
West African Drylands (ICRAF)
Lesson 0: Install DIVA-GIS
Lesson 1: DIVA-GIS basics
Lesson 2: Symbolizing
Lesson 3: Selecting features, labeling and designing maps
Lesson 4: Grid/raster data
Lesson 5: Vegetation and time series data
Lesson 6: Rain Normalized NDVI
Lesson 7: Exporting, importing and projecting data layers
Lake Tanganyika (ICRAF)
Lesson 0: Install DIVA-GIS
Lesson 1: DIVA-GIS basics
Lesson 2: Symbolizing
Lesson 3: Selecting features, labeling and designing maps
Lesson 4: Grid/raster data
Lesson 5: Vegetation and time series data
Lesson 6: Rain Normalized NDVI and land degradation hotspots
Lesson 7: Importing climate data onto DIVA-GIS platform
Lesson 8: Present and future climate scenario
Lesson 9: Decision support for identifying landscape erosion risk
Lesson 10: Exporting, importing and projecting data layers
Rwenzori glaciers (FAO)
Mapping the glacier retreat on Mount Rwenzori
KTH and UU
Actual and critical load of acidifying substances in Stockholm, landsacape management under uncertainty (pdf)
Identification and management of integrated landscape resource: Cyprus, Nicaragua, Sweden (pdf)
Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) of sites for ecological villages (pdf)
Targeting critical areas for non point sources eutrophication (pdf)
Locating suitable well areas in the Managua aquifer (pdf)
Teaching material
GIS lectures and exercises